Friday, August 31, 2018

Metal Gear Solid 3 Re:Play

I have the bad habit of buying games and never playing them. I recently discovered I owned Metal Gear Solid 3 on the vita which happens to be one of my top games of all time. 
Well in an effort to get my value out of the purchase I fired up the game and played it for about a week straight when I was able to. 


This game is still incredible. In this version they've included the additional camera control which makes an enormous difference in the game. Playing through this game really took me back in time. I remember when I bought the game originally and playing it nearly start to finish. I was hooked. I admit I went pretty quickly on this play through and set off a lot of alarms but I had a great time doing things I hadn't the first time around. 

This is absolutely one game you should make an effort to play. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


I had my eye on Battletech since it came out but was waiting for a discount since I knew one would come and I also wouldn't put a ton of time into it.

Well that finally happened and I picked it up.

What a cool game!

The turn based gameplay is exactly what I needed. Low stress (so far) play at your own pace gameplay is exactly what I was looking for.

I'm only 2 hours into the campaign so far but I'm really enjoying it.

If you loved the old Mech Warrior games as a kid then I think you'll easily fall for this game.