Monday, August 14, 2017

No Man's Sky - Atlas Rises Update

Despite my infrequent posts and long gaps between I have been gaming just as much as ever.

Lately I've been putting a lot of time into PlayerUnknown's Battleground and have been absolutely loving it. The game is so much fun and different every time. It reminds me a lot of my favorite game of all time Starcraft 2. Despite being the same maps, same units, etc. each match is different and that's how PUBG is.

BUT that's not what this post is about. Recently Hello Games released another major update for No Man's Sky. This game just hit its one year mark and I avoided it at launch due to overall negative reviews and backlash. Which in my opinion seemed to be just.

Well over the last year Hello Games have been busting there butts working updates and have improved the game substantially.

Almost every recent review of the game (post update) has been very positive. With so many people saying how much better the game is now and that the current state is how the game should have released I finally took the plunge and picked up the game. It also helped that it was on sale for $24.

Here is the update video and hopefully a review video of mine will follow.

Let me know what your thoughts on the current state of the game are.