Tuesday, January 5, 2016

One year of Sake Gaming!!!

One year ago one of my 2015 goals was to contribute to gaming in some capacity. I decided to make this blog to share screenshots, opinions, and videos.

Last year I was able to make 42 posts! Some of them better than others but all of them important to me. On my youtube channel I was able to upload 23 videos and garner just over 4600 views!

I really haven't tried to push this much because it is mostly for me but I appreciate all of the views and support everyone have given.

2015 was a great year for gaming. A few of my favorites.

Journey was a big one for me. I know it came out before but when it came to the PS4 it was the first time I got to play it and I absolutely loved it.

 Witcher 3 is so so good, I still need to finish it.

Metal Gear Solid 5 was pretty dece. I'm only finished with chapter one but that's been like 50 hours! I really like the game and always had the itch to continue playing but it just wasn't quite there.

Fallout 4 has been really good. Not mind blowing like I was hoping, a lot of recycled content (a lot) and the graphics aren't the best but it has had some incredible side missions. I really loved the silver shroud missions!

Starcraft 2 Legacy of the void! Oh man. I've never loved a game like I've loved starcraft.

And as for new gaming habits. I've never played an NBA game other than NBA jam. I've been playing a LOT of NBA 2k16 with my brother in-laws and it has been an absolute blast. That game is seriously impressive.

Also I resubbed to Final Fantasy XIV and it has been a great time.

Here is looking forward to 2016!

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