Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New GPU. About time!

Well my new card came today and I couldn't wait to hit the benchmarks!
This 390x is replacing my 270x and it is insane how much better it performs.

In the Unigine Heaven benchmark my 270x scored a 705 with an average fps of 28 while the 390x scored 1487 with an average fps of 59.

In 3DMark the results are as follows.

Fire Strike: 270x - 6368
Fire Strike: 390x - 13008
104% increase

Sky Diver: 270x - 20737
Sky Diver: 390x - 42187
103% increase

Cloud Gate: 270x - 42133
Cloud Gate: 390x - 82172
95% increase

Ice Storm: 270x - 335228
Ice Storm: 390x - 379881
11% increase

I don't know the reason for the small increase on Ice Storm but my guess is that it is such a base benchmark doesn't demand cards as much as the others so there isn't much room for improvement when you're already nearly maxing out the score. If someone has a better explanation please let me know!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

One year of Sake Gaming!!!

One year ago one of my 2015 goals was to contribute to gaming in some capacity. I decided to make this blog to share screenshots, opinions, and videos.

Last year I was able to make 42 posts! Some of them better than others but all of them important to me. On my youtube channel I was able to upload 23 videos and garner just over 4600 views!

I really haven't tried to push this much because it is mostly for me but I appreciate all of the views and support everyone have given.

2015 was a great year for gaming. A few of my favorites.

Journey was a big one for me. I know it came out before but when it came to the PS4 it was the first time I got to play it and I absolutely loved it.

 Witcher 3 is so so good, I still need to finish it.

Metal Gear Solid 5 was pretty dece. I'm only finished with chapter one but that's been like 50 hours! I really like the game and always had the itch to continue playing but it just wasn't quite there.

Fallout 4 has been really good. Not mind blowing like I was hoping, a lot of recycled content (a lot) and the graphics aren't the best but it has had some incredible side missions. I really loved the silver shroud missions!

Starcraft 2 Legacy of the void! Oh man. I've never loved a game like I've loved starcraft.

And as for new gaming habits. I've never played an NBA game other than NBA jam. I've been playing a LOT of NBA 2k16 with my brother in-laws and it has been an absolute blast. That game is seriously impressive.

Also I resubbed to Final Fantasy XIV and it has been a great time.

Here is looking forward to 2016!