Friday, October 9, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront First Impressions and Screenshots

So I wasn't too pumped for Battefront but it certainly interested me. I'm saving my hype train for Fallout 4. Well EA decided to make a public "beta" which is essentially a glorified demo for those who don't know.

I have to say I am pretty floored. 

Immediately after launching the game you see they have put a lot of work into this. The main title screen is gorgeous and well laid out. I like the clean simple look of it.

Once you launch a game you are surrounded by familiar sounds and music.

This is Star Wars and it is beautiful.

I defaulted to medium graphics and it was still incredibly impressive. If it's anything like Battlefield 4 the only difference going to up ultra is more intense lighting which my current GPU can't handle all that well. Time for an upgrade!!!

I still don't think I'll be buying it just because I'll have a few other games I'm more interested in but I think this game is going to do very well.

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