Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Two Screenshots From The Withcer 3

I'm probably only 2 hours in or so but I think I'm going to really get into this game.
It being gorgeous certainly helps.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Late To The Party. Just Finished Dragon's Crown.

Thoughts and Screenshots from Dragon's Crown.

I picked up Dragon's Crown on the vita some time ago during its rotation on ps+. I played it for maybe an hour at first and really liked it but got sidetracked with other games. In the last two weeks I decided to start playing it again and I'm very glad I did.

The most obvious plus for this game is the graphics. The art style is absolutely gorgeous! Every single aspect is detailed and I played the entire game just drooling over the graphics. Playing this on the vita I would get an occasional stutter when too much was going on but I never experienced that on the PS3. The game scales perfectly to a larger HDTV. With some work you can pick up and play from your vita save to the PS3 or vice versa. The story is pretty weak but that's not what this game is about, It's all about gameplay. This sidescrolling 2D RPG is very rewarding in every area. Leveling up your character is a lot of fun and trying to find that next upgrade really makes you want to play. I finished the game in just shy of 12 hours. Once you finish, it essentially gives you a new game+ mode but they tie it into the lore very well. I was able to beat the final boss at level 30 but the cap is a staggering 255! This game has so much to offer as far as replayability is concerned.

Will I be playing the game over? Most likely not. Not because I didn't enjoy it though! I just have way too many games on my list as it is and very limited time.

Take a moment to admire the beauty of this game. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Picked Up A Few "New" Games

Right now Playstation is having a pretty huge sale and I'm all about taking advantage of that. I've never really gotten into the monster hunting style games but I've read really good things about Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice Delta. On the other end of the spectrum I also picked up Frozen Synapse Prime which I'm pretty excited for. This should keep me busy for awhile. I really should be touching my back library buuuuuut...

Freedom Wars

 Soul Sacrifice Delta. 

Frozen Synapse Prime