Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Infamous Second Son Thoughts

So I'm usually pretty late to beating games and I recently finished Infamous Second Son.
First thing I'd like to get out of the way is that there needs to be a Spider-Man game of this quality!
This game is absolutely what a good spider man game should be, the only thing missing from Infamous was web slinging and a spandex costume.

Ok, now onto the game itself. I have to say I am floored by the quality of this game. Every single thing was done with great attention to detail. The game plays perfectly and never had any glitches from what I could tell. The graphics are incredible and the audio is basically perfection. The atmosphere of the game is so wonderful and the city feels alive.

I went the good guy route and spent my time saving pedestrians and beating up drug dealers. I would like to go through again being a bad guy but honestly with the amount of time I have to game and what games I choose to spend on that (Starcraft) I probably won't be able to visit this game again.

Now as for the things I didn't like, which aren't many.
The game did get a bit repetitive after a few sections. I don't like to leave a section without doing every side mission first so those missions got a bit long in the tooth. The dialogue for a few missions only had a few variations and became boring after so many. I like how long the game was but they could have cut out a few sections to reduce the repetitiveness but I think that would have made the game seem incredibly short for those who don't like to 100% each section and just burn through the game.

Trophy wise I was pretty happy to see that I got nearly 70% of trophies just by playing the game in my own style.

Overall I would say absolutely buy this game if you haven't already. Definitely worth the $60 launch price although at time of writing this it can be had on Amazon for $26.

And now for some screenshots.

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